nomuran's diary


Goggles: 画像認識→文字列変換→検索。 本格マルチモーダルの時代が到来


百聞は一見にしかず =
A picture is worth a thousand words.

画像認識→文字列変換→検索。 本格マルチモーダルの世界が来訪。

2009年12月8日 15時34分 より引用:

『Use pictures to search the web.

A picture is worth a thousand words.
No need to type your search anymore. Just take a picture.

Find out what businesses are nearby.
Just point your phone at a store.

This is just the beginning - it's not quite perfect yet.
Works well for some things, but not for all.

Your pictures, your control.
Turn on 'visual search history' to view or share your pictures at any time. Turn it off to discard them once the search is done.

Go to Android market from your phone and search for "Google Goggles".
Google Goggles in Action


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